Five Nights At Freddys Roleplay Wiki

"...They really are beautiful, aren’t they." The blonde spiky-haired boy said to his companion.

"Eh?" Said dark-haired companion murmured.

"Ugh..." The blonde rolled his eyes, though a faint smile crept through. "The Stars you knucklehead."

"Oh...yeah, they are." The dark one said, glancing up at them. He turned to the blonde with a smirk.

The blonde sighs. "You better not be about to say some cheesy ass pick-up line."

The dark one grinned. "Aww, way to ruin the surprise."

The blonde huffed and and rolled back onto his blanket. "Mmm...anyway, I think it’s time we rest."

The dark one nodded. "Yeah yeah, you and your curfew."

The blonde stuck his tongue out before closing his eyes. "Love ya..."

The dark one flushed. " you too."

He found himself glancing at the starry night sky, with a smile. Months of peace, who’da thought he and Ven would actually get together.

As he looked up, a star shined brighter then the rest. Not a moment later did he realize what that meant.

He shook Ven awake. "Ven, Ven!"

"Mrgh, What is it?" The blonde asked.

The dark one merely pointed at the sky and the blonde's eyes widened.

A star had gone out.
